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Can Facial Acupuncture Really Make You Look Younger?

A catch-all treatment for younger skin

Acupuncture has been around for centuries. A part of traditional Chinese medicine, it may help treat body pains, headaches, or even nausea. But it’s supplementary benefits might surprise you — especially if you decide to let your acupuncturist have a go at your smile lines.

Enter: Facial acupuncture, the reportedly safer alternative to surgery or Botox.

This cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It’s said to naturally help make the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier. And unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health.

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Shadashiv Clinic is established by Dr. Tarunkumar Mohanlal Shukla in 1979 since then it is in working for the mankind. We have total experience of 39 years. But since 2011 its separate division exclusive for Ayurveda and Acupuncture has been started. We provide Yoga and Pranayama session on one to one basis (i.e only one client at a time or one family at a time), so that we can give proper guidance for breathing exercises during yoga session. We have latest equipment for hair and skin analysis, so that in real time client may know the condition of their hair and skin, and accordingly treatment can be planned. We have latest equipment from the UNITED STATES for the skin treatment, which gives tremendous result from the day one of the procedure. Recently we have started production of our own Ayurvedic Medicines. Right now we have exclusive range of beauty products and products for hair.

And some pain management medicines. But this production is on the small scale, and it is just for the betterments of our clients. We take the full guarantee of our products. In 2013 we have started Dental clinic as well. We are planning for the physiotherapy also. Our aim is to provide the best available service without harmful materials to the people under one roof. To know more about Us you can visit us at any of the facilities given above, and any campus (i.e Lunawada or Ahmedabad). Or even you can write us we try to guide you as much as we can.

Our email id is shadashiv.ayurvedic.clinic@gmail.com

For our weekly updates you can text your name and number so that we will send you our updates through what’s app as well for that you have to add our number in your mobile or else you won’t be able to get those updates and posts.


Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture for weight loss

Advocates of acupuncture for weight loss believe that acupuncture can stimulate the body’s energy flow (chi) to impact factors that can reverse obesity such as:

Ear acupuncture for weight loss

The ear is another area that acupuncture practitioners target for weight loss. It’s believed that food cravings can be controlled by manipulating points on the ear.

This is a similar treatment to that used by acupuncture practitioners to help smokers and drug users end their addictions.

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Shadashiv Ayurvedic Clinic
  • 5/B, Srutikunj Society, Beside Ilaj Medical Store & Near Old Maninagar Railway Crossing Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Shadashiv Ayurvedic Clinic Opp. Guru Mandir Hatadiya Bazar Lunawada-389230 Mahisagar

  • +91 9429618855

  • shadashiv.ayurvedic.clinic@gmail.com